Responsive Design

Icon of a hand with a smartphone

Use Zammad comfortably wherever you are. Our improved responsive design makes it pretty and perfect for smaller screens. This way, handling your tickets on the go is a breeze - and your productivity will reach new heights. We know that your job requires flexibility, and Zammad is there to support that!

In a digital world, it is more important than ever to be able to access your tools anywhere and anytime. Some tickets just require your immediate attention, and we bet you've been there: on the train, the bus, or the supermarket line, spotting the ticket notification on your phone and fiddling around, trying to handle it then and there.

Well, we have some good news:
With the release of Zammad 4.0 our helpdesk system now has a better responsive design!

This makes it much more pleasant to use Zammad on devices with smaller screens, such as mobile phones or tablets.

Screenshot of responsive design of Zammad software

This feature is available for all Zammad versions and rolled out automatically, meaning there is no extra setup required. Enjoy!

The development of this feature was made possible by a CSS hack from our community member kazz3m and thanks to the generous sponsorship of Autohaus Melzer e.K. in Chemnitz. 💛

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