Happy Holidays!

Season's Greetings from Team Zammad

With the conclusion of a successful year, we sincerely thank all customers and users for their loyalty and support. Some team members have stepped in front of the camera to personally wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Special Christmas greetings go out to the heroes behind the virtual helpdesk!

Warm Wishes and Festive Cheer

Whether you've been naughty or nice,
We wish you all a holiday season merry and bright.

  1. Warm Wishes and Festive Cheer
  2. Here's to the hidden Heroes of Customer Support!

Here's to the hidden Heroes of
Customer Support!

'Twas Christmas Eve, the office was still,
A lone support agent stayed, with a task to fulfill.
The tickets were piling up, a mountain so high,
With holiday chaos, oh my, oh my!

But the agent was determined, with Zammad at hand,
To get things in order, ready to withstand.
The emails came pouring in with an urgent request:
Santa's sleigh is broken, please do your best!

With a click and a clack, our hero typed away,
Resolving issues without delay.
The clock was ticking, midnight drawing near,
But lone hero and Zammad had nothing to fear.

As dawn approached, the last ticket was closed,
The agent sighed with relief and stayed composed.
Together with Zammad, this was the dream support,
Rescuing Christmas smoothly from remote.

So here's to the agents, our heroes in disguise,
With Zammad by their side, there's no nasty surprise.
May your holidays be merry, your tickets be few,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, good support too!

Image by Free Vector

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