Ticket processing and assignment had to be more effective. Zammad makes it possible.

Denis Fedorov, Head of IT Operations

The Challenge

For many years, we answered all inquiries via a traditional email inbox," Denis Fedorov, Head of IT at Schenker Technologies, tells us. "That's incredibly confusing. Our support team receives inquiries in German, English, and French - they have to be categorized and forwarded accordingly! So we focused more on prioritization in order to process tickets precisely. To make this work, we absolutely needed a ticket system.

The requirements were high: "The system had to be flexibly adaptable, to include an LDAP integration, and to enable process automation. Zammad fulfills all that and more. We were also convinced by the technology behind it - it's a perfect match for Schenker."

But that's not all: Zammad is the ideal compromise between all departments because it replaces the classic CRM system for the Sales team and perfectly complements Jira, which is used by the developers. Zammad was introduced at Schenker almost three years ago and is now primarily used by IT, Support and Sales. Besides that, it also serves as a documentation system in other departments.

The Switch to Zammad

"At first, it was a big change for us," Fedorov tell us. "But after less than a month, Zammad was running smoothly and all teams were able to work well with it.

"The maintenance effort for the IT team is really very low."

But how was the new system received by colleagues in other departments? "At first, it was perceived as very complex - it is, after all, more extensive than a normal inbox," Fedorov recounts. "But after we set up more and more triggers and automations, it was soon considered a relief. Meanwhile, our Support team was and is particularly happy to have a professional solution."

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Smart Chat
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Text modules
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LDAP integration
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The Greatest Value

But what's the best thing about Zammad? "There are so many things I can think of right off the bat!" Fedorov starts to name them: "The triggers, groups, filters, and so on - they make processing easy and clear for us. In addition, the mailing is set up in a very user-friendly way and the signatures are also great. But we also like the overviews - especially that you can configure them yourself as needed and that they can be created across departments. That way, everyone is always in the loop."

But ultimately, each team has its own favorites. "In Support, for example, it's the text modules or the chat. For us in IT, on the other hand, it's the LDAP integration. On the whole, though, we all agree that the automations, customizability, and clarity really make Zammad unique."

What Does the Future Hold?

Zammad has already successfully supported the Schenker IT team during numerous updates. "Most recently, we had a Swyx update, where Zammad was a great help - if only because you can track the complete course of a project and any communication within the tickets. I'm sure there are many similar projects to come where we'll be glad to have our ticket system."

And the potential isn't even exhausted yet: "Since Zammad frequently provides new features, there are bound to be some functions we haven't discovered yet."

One thing is certain: Schenker Technologies have not regretted introducing Zammad so far. "On the contrary, it also comes at an incredibly fair price. We keep coming up with ideas on how to incorporate it further into our structures and connect it with additional tools, and have also discussed a lot of those ideas with the Zammad team. So it's exciting to see what comes next!"

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