Assigning User to Organization

Icon of a person standing next to buildings

Always keep the perfect overview by creating organizations. This way you can group certain customers, assign specific rights, and monitor their activity. Make changes more quickly and assign tickets with the touch of a button.

Tickets track the communication between individuals, but often your company’s real client is another company (or organization). Customers can be grouped into organizations to monitor their activity as a whole. Assigning a user to an organization is a matter of seconds.

Organization Profiles

Use the ticket pane to manage organization profiles:

Screenshot Zammad Organizations

To edit the organization’s profile, use the organization submenu:

Screenshot Zammad editing an organization

Organization Stats

Zammad will show you insightful information on each of your organizations:

  • Amount of tickets created by the organization
  • How many of these tickets are open?
  • When was the first ticket created?
Screenshot Zammad Organization stats

You can find more information on organizations in our Agent documentation and our Admin documentation.

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