Individual fields

Icon for individually designed fields

If by “Individual Fields”, some farming image comes to mind, you’re on the wrong paddock. Quite simply, all it really means is that in Zammad you can determine what attributes a ticket, customer, or organization has.

What others sell you as an extra is a standard feature in Zammad: individual fields. This is all about the fact that no software knows your business as well as you do. So how can the software tell what fields you need? Exactly: it can't.
That's why Zammad lets you create and define your own fields.

Here's an example for a use case:

The Winemaker's Tale

A winemaker uses Zammad to manage communication with dealers and retail customers. For him, of course, the wine is important, as is the vintage and point of sale. So he creates specific fields for these three pieces of information in Zammad. To ensure he doesn’t have to enter the same information over and over again, Zammad supports the use of drop-down menus and multiple selections. In contrast to manual and text-based recording, these fields can also help to make evaluations. Hence the winemaker can evaluate his products and services specifically - and ideally even improve them.

Fully customizable

The customization of attributes can be done at the ticket, customer, or organizational level. This is another feature that distinguishes Zammad from other vendors, who only support modification at the ticket level. And if you narrow the search radius to the existing open-source solutions, then you’ll be seeking in vain, like looking for a bottle of fine German Rebstock Schwarzriesling wine in Tuscany.

Now winemakers, lawyers, sailing clubs, and web startups have the ability to define and collect the information that’s specific to them. This truly lets you turn Zammad into your personal toolkit.

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