Multiple Tasks

Illustration of a list with a tick

Multitasking ... men are often told that they can’t do it. Or at least not as well. It seems that this has something to do with hunting vs. gathering: only one woolly mammoth was hunted at a time, but several objects were gathered simultaneously. Hence women are better at keeping an eye out for multiple things simultaneously. Be that as it may: without multitasking, we humans would definitely be extinct today. And Zammad makes it easy to keep an eye on several tasks at the same time!

It's spec-tab-ular

Tabs are one of the most important elements for multitasking in Zammad. The helpdesk user is, of course, a natural-born multitasker. While they're writing an email, suddenly the phone rings and – boom! – like a shot, they jump right into the new ticket. And back again. Or just on to the next one. Sure, you can use multiple browser tabs or windows for that. But that's not much fun.

The Zammad tabs offer a huge value, especially when combined with our magic live updates: when a tab is updated in the sidebar, a discreet animation lets you know. In combination with our autosave function and scroll position retention, nothing gets lost not even when you’ve got 36 open tabs on your laptop and you suddenly run out of juice. We have put together some application examples for Zammad multitaskers here:

By the way: If you need to deal with a ticket intensively, the otherwise convenient multitasking functions suddenly become superfluous. The opposite of multitasking is called Focus mode. And we’ve been pondering on this very topic with great focus ourselves.

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