What this post is about
- Manage customer support clearly
- Control faster communication with customers and employees
- Make new integrations easier
- Create connections between work areas
- Create meaningful analyses and reports
Successful support and management of online stores require smooth interaction between many individual areas. Starting with internal communication and customer management and ending with the constant checking of technical aspects. In order for sales to function and the offer to be perceived by the target group, all cogs must mesh in the background.
The faster your online store grows and the more reach it generates, the more extensive the monitoring of the individual departments becomes. This makes customer support all the more important as a success factor in your comprehensive sales strategy. To stay on top of this, it helps to integrate a helpdesk, which allows you to manage internal and external tasks more conveniently.
Better Support With Less Effort
The time involved in managing requests or complaints for your online store can be enormous. Ideally, you offer a wide variety of channels for customers to get in touch with you, such as email, telephone, or social media. However, without a helpdesk, you will consistently face high efforts in processing an endless flood of messages.
With a helpdesk like Zammad, you bundle all these interfaces into one interface and simplify the handling processes thanks to an integrated ticketing system. This means that all customer concerns end up in one place and can be tracked and processed across channels and people.
By using a dedicated support tool, you can reduce the time required to hours instead of days. Because in your helpdesk, all customer concerns always remain organized and traceable in the long term (regardless of who is currently able to take care of them). With text modules and automation, you can respond to frequent concerns in the shortest possible time.
Help For Self-Help
Do emails and direct messages still consume too much time? As an alternative that every good help desk should offer, customers solve minor concerns themselves within minutes and without much effort on your part, through directly integrated self-help options such as FAQ's and a knowledge database.
Your bonus: Self-service options are desired by many users and increase their confidence in their own purchase decision. This is because they empower (potential) buyers to be self-sufficient and raise their awareness that they will find a solution to every question in the future. In this way, customers gain confidence and directly resolve existing doubts.
Strengthening Internal Networks
In addition to providing a direct interface to the customer, help desks also offer the opportunity to network within the company's own internal teams. For example, logistics and customer service can use their own ticketing interface to coordinate delivery bottlenecks, inventories, or products in stock in a more targeted manner. This leads directly to better information for customers. In the same way, collected ideas, feedback, and user needs can be exchanged directly between support and product development in such a tool.
Another idea for internal coordination: set up a help desk that can be used to send technical problems in the online store directly to the IT professionals and prioritize their status in the workflow. The direct contact options and areas of responsibility that can be stored in the helpdesk give communication and task distribution within your organization more structure and clarity.
Evaluate analytics in a meaningful way
When choosing your perfect help desk, be sure to include insights and analytics. It should be easy to determine relevant parameters for effectiveness and thus gain insights into workload peaks and frequent problems, as well as identify bestsellers and flops and other optimization needs. With the right data collection and analysis, you can always keep track of everything in your store.
Helpdesks save time and combine time-consuming support tasks in one software. Online stores need a lot of input from different directions in order to function and grow - and therefore benefit especially from the use of helpdesks. Combining all available support information in one tool helps to implement new strategies and reach milestones. A helpdesk like Zammad is the foundation for an organized day-to-day business with a customer focus.