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The Tasks Of A Sustainability Manager (And When You Should Hire One)

Sustainable working requires new structures and a conscious rethinking in companies. From paperless offices to reduced energy consumption, the assignment of a Sustainability Manager ensures sustainable goals in the long run. Read all about the new job profile here.

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What this post is about

  • Sustainability managers have responsibility for all sustainability issues in the organization
  • They sharpen the company's measurable environmental commitment
  • Their tasks include the development of process-optimized procedures
  • The big goal: Increase environmental awareness among all colleagues
  • Great side effect: Generates long-term cost savings

The desire for a sustainable lifestyle and work is complex and challenging. What quickly reaches its limits in the private sphere is no less difficult in business life. Achieving cost savings, a sustainable image, or a climate-neutral production process is nothing that marketing departments or logistics can handle on the side. Sustainability managers take on this full-time job and push for more sustainable operations.

What Does A Sustainability Manager Do?

The Sustainability Manager integrates the social, ecological, and economic aspects of a company. The responsibilities include a holistic view of company processes. These can range from the supply chain to logistics to the optimization of internal processes. The company's optimal energy efficiency is always the top priority.

The person in charge triggers sustainable thinking throughout the company, with new ideas that will impact future developments. Theoretical concepts and plannable implementations are part of his field of activity. These include internal and external interfaces.

Why Is This Job So Important?

Companies that resist a sustainable rethink in business are slowly dismantling their image. It is a good form to adapt to global ecological conditions. After all, only those who focus on resource protection, conservation, and regeneration, will be able to persist in the future. To meet this demanding task, it is necessary to hire a Sustainability Manager.

The person in charge keeps an eye on the financial framework, manages a wide range of projects, and ensures that the company remains capable of doing business despite growing sustainability concerns. In addition, raising employee awareness is an important aspect of the job profile.

How Is Commitment Awakened Among Employees?

Communication and visibility are important factors in generating understanding among teams and departments. Establishing new ways or trying to force change into existing processes only by pretending won't lead to success.

Training, presentations and project phases increase the chances that new processes are accepted and successfully implemented. Collaboration between departments is a top priority. Next to the management, be sure to involve the HR department as well. This will clarify the relevance of a sustainable management and emphasize all current and future employees.

How To Become A Sustainability Manager?

The best way to start a career as a sustainability manager is probably with one of the new master's programs in sustainable business or sustainable management. These combine all important economic and business aspects. However, a basic interest and curiosity in environmental protection are prerequisites for approaching this field from all sides.

Sustainability managers are also characterized by a high commitment to global environmental aspects and long-term solutions. Their demand: visible successes instead of "greenwashing". Therefore, pay particular attention to soft skills such as stamina, perseverance, and communication skills.

Which Companies Need A Sustainability Manager?

Sustainability managers are primarily considered for companies with a long tradition, complex manufacturing processes, and globally active brands. Their deployment will meet the growing pressure to implement sustainable corporate processes.

Having been on the market for many years, these companies now have to adapt comprehensively to social change and abolish (or at least rethink) old structures that are deliberately harmful to the environment.

Young start-ups have less to fear from this pressure. Their business, on the other hand, should be built on sustainable foundations from the start, which means that resource allocation does not require acute restructuring. It is advisable to distribute responsibilities early on and start operations directly with environmentally friendly processes.


Let actions speak instead of preaching sustainable promises: By hiring a sustainability manager, you take the first step toward the future.

Think in terms of actionable sizes and plan small projects that underscore your efforts with measurable successes. Gaining experience pays off in future ideas that will give your company an honest sign of sustainability and environmental protection and ensure its continued existence.

  1. What Does A Sustainability Manager Do?
  2. Why Is This Job So Important?
  3. How Is Commitment Awakened Among Employees?
  4. How To Become A Sustainability Manager?
  5. Which Companies Need A Sustainability Manager?
  6. Summary
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