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Origami Fish

The Limits Of Open Source: Where Does The Desire For Openness End?

The spheres of open source use are seemingly endless. However, companies and developers should be aware that free programming also has its limits. In order not to exceed them or fall into a trap, we give five thought-provoking suggestions for the work with open source.
Open Source
Origami Kangaroo

Get The Most Out Of Your Helpdesk With The Zammad Documentation

Did you know that the smart helpdesk Zammad has more than 60 great features to help you with everything from support to knowledge management? In the large Zammad documentation you will find all the descriptions and instructions to set up the interface, as well as all the features, and adapt them perfectly to your needs.
Origami Rooster

5 Tips For Remote Hiring New Colleagues And Hybrid Work

The market economy is peaking right now! The labour market is booming and there is a desperate search for new skilled employees in all sectors. But on-site presence is by now not a common hiring criterion anymore. In addition to permanent positions, remote colleagues, who are supposed to be an integral part of the team despite the distance, are part of modern corporate structures.
New Work
Origami Ducklings

How A Helpdesk Helps In IT, Retail, Law, Healthcare And Arts

A ticket system is your shortcut to better productivity in your day-to-day customer operations. Read on for five inspiring examples of real-world use by our customers - from switching to Zammad, to the immediate benefits from help desk deployment, to extending it to the entire organization.
Origami Koala

6 Good Reasons Why Your Company Should Become Sustainable In 2022

In this guide, you will learn the great benefits of making your organization sustainable and carbon neutral by the end of 2022. By focusing on the conservation and regeneration of natural systems and your limited resources, you will unlock the potential for creativity, innovation, reputation, and even growth.
Origami folded Elephant

5 Support Skills That Make A Good Agent A Very Good One

Customer communication is a fine line between helpfulness and nerves of steel. Agents who want to persist in their interactions with customers need to switch constantly between conversations and never lose the thread. We have identified the five most important, timeless support skills that you can already ask your new employees during the interview – including relevant questions.
Origami Eagle

Manage Smarter With The Four Principles Of An Open World

The big dream of a more open society is digital, free, and unbound. The longing for togetherness without borders is the declared goal of the young generation. This urge extends from jobs to digitalization to politics. The best thing is that the path to a more open world can work! These four principles lead you in the right direction and show how you can benefit from them.
Open Source
Origami Rabbit

5 Tips That Put Small Teams Ahead In Customer Support

A high level of customer service is permanently expected by customers. Companies with small teams must meet the same standards as those expected of well-known corporations. With these factors, you focus on quality instead of quantity and fulfill your customers' wishes despite a small number of staff.
Origami Turtle

Customer Service Philosophy - Simply Explained

With a dedicated support team, you can fulfill customer requests in seconds. But a team that takes care of the concerns and worries with dedication and heart is only the basis of a holistic customer philosophy. Our guide explains how you can find your own strategy!
Origami Hamster

Five Time Management Methods You Should Know About

Prioritizing tasks and working through them works wonderfully in theory. The reality, however, looks much different. Distractions lurk everywhere, squeezing between the will to work productively and the actual goal. That's why we're presenting five proven time management methods that are guaranteed to keep you on track!
New Work
Origami Rhino

Simply Explained: How To Use The Zammad Sidebar (and how it helps you)

As a support agent, you have your hands full helping your customers. It's about time someone gives you a hand! With Zammad, you work through all requests in an organized and strategic way. Here we'll introduce you to the tool and its navigation elements, and explain how they can help you in your daily work.
Origami Giraffe

Steal The Open Source Philosophy From Zammad (that would make us happy)

Take a product that gets better and better from version to version thanks to the collaboration of its own users, add a future-proof business model, focus on the successes of the community - and there you have the perfect open source philosophy. In this article I would like to share the most important components of our DNA with you, so you can apply them yourself right away.
Open Source
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