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Customer Service Videos: Support Staff Training with Humor

Guidelines or New Rules: Customer service training is often intense and requires a lot of concentration. A humorous approach can help make learning more enjoyable and effective. These five YouTube videos will surely lighten up dry training sessions.
Customer Service

The Small World of Emojis and Their Big Impact on Customer Communication

A picture is worth a thousand words – this is also true for emojis. These small graphic elements have become an integral part of our digital communication and are increasingly being used in customer communication. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of emojis, exploring their origins, their impact on communication, and their significance in customer service.
Customer Service

Using WhatsApp successfully in Customer Service: 7 practical Tips

More and more companies are expanding their communication channels to include WhatsApp to send updates about products and offer customer support. However, the expectations and etiquette in customer service via the messenger differ from traditional channels such as email and phone hotlines. We provide you seven practical tips on how you can successfully integrate WhatsApp into your customer communication.
Customer Service

Integrating Omnichannel Strategy for an Unparalleled Customer Experience

Digital customer service means complementing service channels without replacing traditional ones. A well-thought-out omnichannel strategy enhances the customer experience and promotes seamless support as well as strong customer loyalty. Learn how to effectively integrate support channels to foster consistent and connected communication.
Customer Service
Paper Airplanes for blog about Customer Data Integration

Maximize Customer Support through Data Integration

In our fast-paced, hyper-connected world, the bar for customer service is constantly being raised. Customers want their support issues resolved quickly and efficiently, regardless of the channel they choose to communicate through. Meeting these expectations poses a challenge for many businesses. That's where the power of data integration shines. In this article, we'll explore how combining the capabilities of Zammad and Skyvia can significantly enhance the customer experience.
Customer Service
Wild boar image for blog about customer self service

Customer self-service: How to help customers help themselves

When challenges obstruct progress, tips and tricks from support can help. However, solving questions and problems independently often promises a greater sense of achievement, and users usually find it to be a faster way to reach their goals. It is important to know which types of support are most useful to customers and offer added value.
Customer Service
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The Key Trends and Statistics in Customer Service

The year 2023 is in the books. It's time to reflect on the past months and shed light on trends and topics that held particular relevance in customer service. Forbes, the business magazine, has reached out and surveyed customers about their wishes and expectations regarding service offerings. The result highlights which points should be definitely considered in the new year and beyond.
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