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Workflow Automation: Streamlining Processes with Zammad and n8n

In Zammad workshops, customers increasingly ask me the question: "What options are there for automating workflows across applications?" An understandable request, since the benefits of workflow automation are obvious: complicated business processes can be simplified and easily managed. I have found a simple solution for this.
Open Source

Open Source and the Power of Knowledge Exchange

The open source community, once dismissed as a niche, now globally provides a vast pool of ideas and knowledge. Open Source has evolved into a treasure trove of experts and know-how, ensuring collaborative project development on a solidarity basis. Our article explains the advantages that this consolidated knowledge brings.
Open Source

The right fit for your project: Open-source licenses at a glance

The agony of choice! The multitude of existing open-source licenses poses challenges for developers, requiring decisions with long-term effects. In our guide, we provide an overview of the most commonly used licenses and explain the foundational principles and advantages that your software can benefit from when using them.
Open Source

5 Top Open-Source Projects Everyone Should Know

Open-source software has long become an essential part of an efficient working environment. However, only a few people are aware that many of their favorite tools are also classic open-source projects. We introduce you to five applications and helpers from the community that you absolutely should know.
Open Source
Effective Moderation of Community Forums image

Effective Moderation: Five Helpful Tips for Vibrant Community Forums

In community forums, knowledge is exchanged, discussions are held, and questions are asked. These forums provide members with the opportunity to share their experiences and support each other in various topics. However, to ensure that the exchange in the forums does not diminish, appropriate moderation is essential. With our five helpful tips, you can achieve this.
Open Source

Effective Backup: 5 Basics For Contributing To Open Source Projects

For beginners, contributing to open source projects can prove to be a real challenge. How is the code organized and what rules must be followed? How does quality assurance take place and what do you look out for? These five tips will help you to get involved in open source programming.
Open Source

The Significance Of The New "Open By Default" Principle For Municipalities

Open data has the potential to make an immense contribution to the common good. The announcement is now coming from the federal government that municipalities and public authorities should make the raw data they collect available to the general public. We answer the most important questions about Germany's new data culture, what it's good for, and how you can get straight into implementing it.
Open Source

How To Use Open Innovation To Drive Ideas

Simply think bigger, and consider external influences: Open Innovation relies on know-how from outside and helps companies to develop further. Although many brands and companies are reluctant to release the view behind the scenes, the practice has proven that a lot can be gained with impulses from the outside.
Open Source
Origami Fish

The Limits Of Open Source: Where Does The Desire For Openness End?

The spheres of open source use are seemingly endless. However, companies and developers should be aware that free programming also has its limits. In order not to exceed them or fall into a trap, we give five thought-provoking suggestions for the work with open source.
Open Source
Origami Eagle

Manage Smarter With The Four Principles Of An Open World

The big dream of a more open society is digital, free, and unbound. The longing for togetherness without borders is the declared goal of the young generation. This urge extends from jobs to digitalization to politics. The best thing is that the path to a more open world can work! These four principles lead you in the right direction and show how you can benefit from them.
Open Source
Origami Giraffe

Steal The Open Source Philosophy From Zammad (that would make us happy)

Take a product that gets better and better from version to version thanks to the collaboration of its own users, add a future-proof business model, focus on the successes of the community - and there you have the perfect open source philosophy. In this article I would like to share the most important components of our DNA with you, so you can apply them yourself right away.
Open Source
Origami of two fighting stags with a dark purple background

The Zammad Tool Stack: Open Source All the Way!

Zammad supports the Open Source Philosophy – and, as a result, relies mostly on free tools. Find out why we’d recommend the same to you, and which tools tips we have.
Open Source
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