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Origami Giraffe

Steal The Open Source Philosophy From Zammad (that would make us happy)

Take a product that gets better and better from version to version thanks to the collaboration of its own users, add a future-proof business model, focus on the successes of the community - and there you have the perfect open source philosophy. In this article I would like to share the most important components of our DNA with you, so you can apply them yourself right away.
Open Source
Origami of two fighting stags with a dark purple background

The Zammad Tool Stack: Open Source All the Way!

Zammad supports the Open Source Philosophy – and, as a result, relies mostly on free tools. Find out why we’d recommend the same to you, and which tools tips we have.
Open Source
Origami zebra on red background

Open Startups: Why Modern Companies Believe in Full Transparency

A growing community of entrepreneurs swears by the maximum openness of organizations, business processes, current challenges, and success metrics. We had a look at why it can be worth sharing all these "company secrets" with the world. And who knows, maybe for it's something for you, too?
Open Source

Open Everything: Can the Concept of a Transparent World Work?

No hurdles, no barriers, no borders. The idea of a free world, where everyone has access to all resources, has always been tempting and extends into all aspects of society. However, it is often dismissed as an unattainable dream. Let's have a look at why this notion seems so impossible?
Open Source
Origami Spider

No World Without Open Data - About the Importance of Open Source

The pandemic has taught us many things: among them, the importance of transparent data exchange. On many occasions, Open Source solutions have proven how well transparency, security, and efficiency can be combined. In this post, we take a look at the importance of open data and provide best practice examples for your inspiration.
Open Source
Origami of 5 flowers

Open Source: 5 Documentaries and Talks That Will Make You Want to Change the World

Open-source options are increasingly positioning themselves as alternatives to the market-leading closed software. It's obvious: the focus is on transparency and sustainability. If you're not convinced or curious to learn more, we've got something for you: we have compiled five articles after which your heart will also beat for the Open Source idea!
Open Source
Origami of 5 sheep facing a wolf

5 Strong Reasons to Love Open Source (and 1 Not To)

If you compare the pros and cons of Open Source software development, you will quickly realize that the decision for an individual open-source solution pays off in the long run.
Open Source
Origami of a unicorn on green background

Open Source Explained: Free Software and Its Use in a Business Context

Open-source software is still becoming increasingly popular. Here we explain what distinguishing features are, what advantages and disadvantages it entails, and how Open Source can enrich your organization.
Open Source
Origami of an ant street

Join the Zammad Support Community

As an open-source project, our smart helpdesk Zammad thrives on the involvement of a vibrant developer community as well as the active participation of its users. Here we show you how you can play a central role in the further development of the project.
Open Source
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